Math Zombie was a mobile game for iOS users whose objective was to match numbers on the screen to damage the zombies that appeared in the corner of the screen. Math Zombie is the first freelance project I have memory of and, even though it is one of my first projects, I have a lot of affection for it. I had complete creative freedom for this project and it brought back good memories.

The logo was designed and vectorized later using the Adobe Illustrator project allowing its use on big and small screens as well.
Screen design

To launch, the game needed an opening screen (above) and at least two screens for different levels. All were made in the same way as the logo: sketched on paper and then vectorized in Adobe Illustrator. To compose the opening screen, we chose to represent one of the game's zombies in more detail. It was at this stage that buttons and pop-ups were created, both responsive.

Character Design and Animation

Math Zombie allows you to choose between two protagonists before the game starts. Mel and Bob are brothers living in a zombie apocalypse. They need to use all their knowledge to defend their city. Mel believes she is a magical girl and chose to use a beautiful sword which is the same one she uses in her cosplays. Bob loves mystery and horror stories. He uses a baseball bat as a weapon.
For interaction with the consequences of the game, 5 different animations were made on Spine Software: idle, walking cycle, getting hurt, attack and dying:
For interaction with the consequences of the game, 5 different animations were made on Spine Software: idle, walking cycle, getting hurt, attack and dying: